
Claire Ketchum

The Peaceful Eating Method

Teaching Moms how to make sustainable progress toward their feel-good weight (without dieting) & model a healthy relationship with food and their bodies so that their teens never yo-yo diet and always feel confident and happy in their own skin.

Or in other words ...

What if you could uncover the root cause of why you struggle to get sustainable results?


And with this deeper knowing, utilize a step-by-step proven method to create a Peaceful Eating Blueprint to heal what’s kept you stuck & trust yourself to maintain your feel-good weight without diets. 


An asset that will continually evolve and empower you to model a loving & peaceful relationship with food and your body for years to come.

Ready to start your transformation?

Here's what you get inside The Peaceful Eating Method

Membership: (Ongoing Access)

The program is broken down into 3 phases (12 Modules) based on identifying and reprogramming your personal stressors, default habits and subconscious blocks. 


Each phase takes into consideration the root cause of why YOU struggle to stick with your healthy eating goals and walks you step by step to create personalized and pleasurable action steps based on your current lifestyle and body.  

After each Module, you’ll add your new action steps to your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.  That way you’ll know exactly what to do each day to stay on track with your goals.

The Phases

Phase 1: You’ll learn how to identify your personal stressors and triggers and become stress resilient so that you manage your stress without food or quitting healthy habits and stop storing stress fat.

Phase 2: You’ll learn how to create a Peaceful Eating Plan (what you eat) and other pleasurable eating habits (how, when, where & why you eat) that keep you in a relaxed state and support your weight loss goals.

Phase 3: You’ll learn how to identify and reprogram your subconscious blocks (sabotaging thoughts and beliefs) that have kept you stuck, so you can stop sabotaging your success and easily stay on track with your Peaceful Eating Blueprint.

8 Coaching Sessions: (25 minutes)

During each session, you’ll give me an update on your Blueprint so that we can fine-tune it to ensure that the action steps you chose are helping you stay on the path to your feel-good weight.

You’ll also be able to ask questions about the program or how to support your teen to create a Peaceful Eating lifestyle too.

Private Members Only Facebook Group: (4 Month Access)

The Peaceful Eating Method Community is a safe place to ask questions, get support, celebrate your wins, and be held accountable in between coaching calls.  You are never on this journey alone.

You also get three awesome bonuses

The Healthy Eating Guide

This guide is a resource to help you take the guesswork out of what to eat and to help you upgrade your daily nutrition.

Inside you will find healthy eating tips as well as healthier drink, snack and meal suggestions to make healthy eating easier. (There are tons of direct links to suggestions provided.)

Back on Track Technique

The Back on Track Technique can be used any time you eat something that you wish you hadn’t.

Instead of feeling like a failure and throwing in the towel, use The Back on Track Technique to release the guilt, take back control and stay on track with your healthy eating plan.

Crush Cravings Masterclass

This masterclass will teach you how to differentiate between a craving and true hunger and help you discover the root cause of your craving and release the emotional connection to this food.

By the end of this class, you’ll be able to have your favorite food readily available and easily choose to enjoy a little or skip it altogether.

So as you can see this isn’t a quick fix or a band aid solution

All the components of The Peaceful Eating Method work together to make sure that you have personalized strategies, mindset shifts, accountability and support to overcome your unique struggles, make sustainable progress toward you feel-good weight. 

Becoming a Peaceful Eater will enable you to model a healthy relationship with food and your body so that your teens never yo-yo diet and always feel confident and happy in their own skin.

What PEM graduates are saying ...


I felt she knew me and my lifestyle and was able to work with me to incorporate the Peaceful Eating Method into my individual life situation.

“I would recommend The Peaceful Eating Method to other women because it gives you the tools to not only learn what your stressors and triggers are that have stopped you from having a healthy diet but also to dig deep and learn a lot about yourself and who you want to be.

Even in the early stages of the program just speaking with Claire about one of my downfalls that held me back it just clicked, and I found the answer to why I was struggling.

Claire is very knowledgeable in this field and has recommendations to fit everyone’s individual needs.”


This isn’t a fad diet or quick-fix type program, but it is something that can set you up for sustained success.

“Before I joined PEM I was having trouble controlling my eating and recognizing when I was full instead of actually being stuffed. I didn’t understand why I was making the choices I was making.

I think that understanding the whys is key to being successful.

I loved all the different tips/tricks/ideas that Claire had for things. It wasn’t like there was just one way to be successful. If you tried one thing and it didn’t work, Claire was great with coming up with alternatives.

One of my goals was for my clothes to feel better, and I was successful!”

Have a question before joining?

Do you want to chat about which option would work best for you and your teen or have specific questions about PEM?

I’m here to help.

Just use the link below to schedule a free Clarity Call.
(or send me DM @claireketchum.ck)