Crush Cravings and Actually Reach Your Healthy Eating Goals

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Do you want to learn how to crush cravings and actually reach your healthy eating goals?  So many times I hear the advice, just don’t buy the food. While this isn’t a bad idea, unless we never leave our house, it just isn’t enough to eliminate the urge to abandon our healthy eating goals.

There are so many other places that temptations arise.

For example, a co-worker brings in food and leaves it in a common area or there are the bowls of candy that many people keep on their desk or in waiting areas.

Perhaps you’re invited to a friend’s house for dinner, go out to eat, or walk by the food court at the mall.

You can’t control your environment 100% of the time, but you can learn how to crush cravings and actually reach your healthy eating goals.

An Actual Solution

The strategy that I teach all of my Peaceful Eating Method clients, so they can stick with their healthy eating plan even when surrounded by temptations, is the Emotional Freedom Technique.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping is based on lightly tapping on meridian points similar to acupuncture.  When we tap on these points, a relaxation signal is sent to our brain which decreases our stress.

You might be thinking, “What does stress have to do with cravings?”

Well, continually resisting temptations puts our body in a stressed state.  The cravings actually increase our stress, and as our stress increases, the desire to soothe that stress with food also increases.

Tapping helps us reduce our stress.  As our stress decreases, so do our cravings.  It’s pretty amazing. Let me walk you through the steps.


EFT for Cravings


When you do this tapping meditation, you want to have the food you crave the most on hand.  You should only do one food at a time. For example, don’t tap on your craving for carbs, tap on a craving for something specific like french fries.

Step 1:

Identify your number one craving.

Take a moment and smell the food and take a tiny bite. Then on a scale from (low 0-10 high), rate the intensity of the craving.

Step 2:

Create a Setup Statement.

  • Even though my craving for _____ is so strong, I fully and completely accept myself anyway.

Step 3:

Create a Reminder Phrase.

  • This craving for _____ is so strong.

Step 4:  

While lightly tapping on the karate chop, repeat your set up statement three times.







Step 5:  






Tap through the 8 points using the tips of your index and middle finger.  While tapping lightly on each point, say your reminder phrase. You want to tap 7-10 times at each point, but don’t count, just tap at the point until the phrase is complete.  You can’t do it wrong. It doesn’t matter if you skip a point, and it doesn’t matter if you tap on your right side, left side or both sides at once. As long as you are tapping, while stating the craving, your body will remain relaxed.

1= Eyebrow

2= Side of the Eye

3= Under the Eye

4=Under the Nose



7=Under the Arm (Bra Strap)

8=Top of the Head


Step 6: 

Take a deep breath in and exhale the craving.  Then rate your craving again.

Step 7:  

Take a tiny taste of the food.  Rate the intensity of the craving.  Did tasting it increase your craving?

Repeat steps 1-7 until your craving has decreased to a 0.

Step 8:  

Create a positive reminder phrase.

  • I happily and easily make healthier choices.

Tap through the 8 points.  While tapping lightly on each point, say your positive reminder phrase.  Do at least one round.


EFT Tips

Some cravings can be cleared quickly.  However, if you have been craving this food for years, it will have a firmer hold in your subconscious.  If this is the case, just know that you might need to learn a more advanced form of EFT tapping that gets to the root cause of the craving in order to decrease the craving all the way to zero.

Personally, I have used EFT to reduce my craving for super-sugary food like jelly beans and gummy bears.  When I start, I will want to polish off the whole bag. However, once I get my craving to a zero, I can put them in a cupboard, and eventually, I even forget they are there.

I currently have gummy bears in my house, and I don’t have any cravings at all for them. Before I learned The Emotional Freedom Technique, that was not possible for me.  If there were gummy bears in the house, they would have been gone by the end of the day.  EFT gave me back control, and now I can easily stick to my healthy eating goals and maintain my feel-good weight.

Want to see tapping on a craving in action?

Follow me on Instagram and then send me a DM “Crush Cravings”, and I’ll send you the link to watch a replay of a live training on how to tap on a craving. 

































Do you struggle to reduce cravings and actually reach your healthy eating goals?  If you have cravings late at night, before or during your period or you crave junk food all the time, you are going to love this technique. #crushcravings












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