
Hi, my name is Claire Ketchum

I am a Mom, the founder of The Peaceful Eating Method & Healthy Habits Coaching for Teens, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Transformational Nutrition Coach with a BS in Psychology and Masters in Education. 

But … I was also a teenager, college student and middle school teacher who felt insecure about how I looked.  This lack of confidence caused me to constantly criticize my body and spend over 20 years jumping from diet to diet losing and gaining the same weight.

I spent my days worrying about what to eat or not to eat, and then judging myself every time I caved and gave into temptation.  But no matter how much I wanted to stay on track with my healthy diet, I just couldn’t get myself to stop eating dessert all the time.  

Every time I failed again, I would feel like such a loser and wonder why I didn’t have enough self-control to stick with any diet.   I just wanted to find a diet that would finally work for me. 

Then one day, I was introduced to another way and gave up restrictive diets for good.

From that day, it took two health coaching certifications, numerous mindset courses and lots of personal trial and error, but after five years, I was finally able to heal and transform my relationship with food & my body and maintain my feel-good weight without diets.

After feeling insecure about my body and dieting for over twenty years, it was such a relief to stop trying to lose weight and finally feel confident and happy in my own skin.

However, I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad about all the time I spent hating my body and trying to “fix it”.  

That’s why I am on a mission to help teens maintain a feel-good weight and positive body image, so they never yo-yo diet and feel confident and happy in their own skin in school and beyond.

If that’s the path you’d like your teen to travel, the best way to get started is to help your teen develop a Balanced Body Blueprint.  Click the button below to download a copy of the Blueprint and get started today.